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Let's go fly a kite

Eden and I made a little staycation jar the week before last for all of the things that we wanted to do while Mike was off of work. We used a little baby food glass jar, and lots of colored strips of paper. For each thing we wanted to do, we wrote it on the little paper and folded it up really small and put it in the  jar. One of the things we wrote on there was to fly kites.

 By golly, last week, we did.

 Micah was happy as a clam watching from his car.

 I can't think of anything that I love more than family time. Mike and I are a little protective of our time as a family. But with him working and school, the time we do have is so precious.

 I wish I could freeze these moments, and make time stop. Sometimes when their going on, I feel that, at the same time I feel it slipping by.

 The kite flying was a new concept to my little girl. She did great, but the wind wasn't that mighty, so we settled for a eight inch long kite string.

I'm sure there will be many more times to come, and we can show her how it really soars.

 But in the meantime...

 she's happy with her eight inch string.

 Maybe I should've schooled her more.

 Eden went off, always wanting to run near the road. I think it had to do with the chase factor. So, I decided to play around with the camera and teach myself some manual camera ways.

 I'll improve. 
I love my family time, and can't thing of anything more dear to me.

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