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Edenisms Part 3

My mom bought Eden a little dollar lip gloss today. To say it's her new favorite thing in the whole world would be an understatement. That little lip gloss is even in her hand as she's in her bed right now. When we went swimming today, she must have gotten out of the pool twelve times at the very least to go put on her "lip sauce". "Lip sauce" though was only one of many names, but I think my favorite is "lick stick".
I could tell Eden was a little uncomfortable the last couple of mornings and she kept saying her tooth hurt. I looked and saw nothing and was prompted to make her first dentist appointment anyway as her third birthday is approaching. This morning though, I shone a flashlight in her mouth and saw the culprit, a canker sore. Tonight, when we were eating dinner, Mike asked Eden about her day as he normally does. But tonight, her response was "Daddy! I have a kangaroo sore!"

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