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Nightgowns, Garbage Ttucks, and Grandparents

A couple of weekends ago, my parents were in town for my best friend's wedding (I love that I get to say that). Eden was looking forward to it for what seemed like forever. She's such a doll.
My mom brought her her very first nightgown, isn't it darling? Technically, well, okay... so someone once gave her a nightgown but it had all the Disney princesses on it, and it grew little legs and walked away. I'm not a fan of Disney princess stuff, or any character clothing for that matter. So, Eden loved her nightgown and then my parents pulled out a little matchbox garbage truck, a cement mixer, and a dump truck. Talk about toddler heaven to Eden!

 There was one night that we were just pooped. It was a bit early to put Eden to bed, so we just kept reading and reading books. All of the sudden, she disappeared. I honestly couldn't find her, because sometimes I do pretend to not see her grabbing my ankles saying "find me mommy". She had buried herself in pillows and sprang into action when I looked for her for 15 seconds.

 Poor Micah, he had such a high fever, it was so scary. It turned out to be roseola. Phew! I was scared, crying, praying, and worrying. (Is that an oxymoron, to pray and worry.) He had gotten the fever on Saturday morning and had it until Monday afternoon. We even took him to the Quick Care clinic just to see if he had an ear infection or anything. Poor, sweet baby. My back, hips, and arms got quite the workout those three days. He honestly wouldn't let anyone hold him without screaming. I still secretly adore his clingyness.

My brother came over one night to hang out over some pizza. Eden loves company, as do Mike and I. It's just so exciting for her. Like when someone rings our buzzer, Eden runs squealing into her room with the biggest smile you can imagine. I hope she stays like that. 

I had said to my parents a couple of weeks ago that maybe they'd be helping us move the weekend they were here. Well, we're still here. Pray for us to sell this condo. We're craving a yard and some space, although it never hurts to be close. 

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