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In case you didn't know

there is trix cereal everywhere in our condo

our toilet paper is always in a heap below where it should be on a roll

Eden's favorite song right now is "ten little ducks"

I miss Mike when he's at work

when I can't get Micah down for a nap, I've put him in his bed, crouched down next to it and threw a blanket over myself. it worked, and he went to sleep

I've lost track of how many days it's been since I washed my hair

Haagen Daas flavor bananas foster is my all time favorite

we got a call for a showing this past weekend, I cleaned for two and a half hours and then they cancelled

we looked at a house, eh, not crazy

Micah eats about double what Eden does at meals

Eden finally decided on a crab cake for her birthday

I think I have a trix cereal piece on the bottom of my foot as I write

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