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This has been quite the week. I don't think I've ever had my patience tested like I have this week. It's hard when things have to get done, we don't have a tidy house, but I can't let it go to filth. Hard to believe, isn't it? that a little person this darling could test my patience.
As a stay at home mom, I find my self-worth constantly challenged. I love what I do, and I know that it's what right for my family. When the days are hard, the big picture is so blurry to me.
But when I have a moment of peace, I know the big picture. The big picture for our family is confident, strong, God-loving kids. Kids who have an example to follow and little ones that are encouraged to practice kindness at every corner.

I have a scrappy little piece of paper hanging on my fridge that I think of nearly every day. It's ripped out the back of a Real Simple magazine from years ago, it says, "Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind." (Henry James)
So, I am reminded. When Micah poops for the sixth time in a day, Eden gets sassy, there's four loads of laundry unfolded, food is on the floor, and sippy's are spilling on the carpet, I will remember the big picture. I will remember kindness and God's love, and I will be the example to follow.

P.S. I only have two more little details until Eden's room is complete. Hallelujah! It's gorgeous, and I'll be sharing it soon.

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