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A smile

 The past couple of weeks have been hard. Really hard.
There are good days and there are bad days. Days that I have to guard my heart and mind so much, I feel like I'm saying Bible verses constantly in my head.
And yet, I'm moving on. Eden's back in dance class, the kids are back in library group, household activities have resumed, and the chores are endless.
I read a blog the other day that the lady talked about going through hard times. She talked about how it seems so unbearable, and yet, it's the sweetest place to be when you're talking with God and begging for his mercy and grace. I agree.
She talked about how when we move on, we leave that place with God and we move on with life and then our life fills up with all this other stuff, instead of God. I already feel this. I have moments of weakness and times of great sorrow still, but I miss God already. I miss pleading with Him to be near to me.
This picture made me smile. Isn't he beautiful? even with his finger in his nose? I had to chop his hair. It makes me really sad when I see pictures like this of his hair. Man, he's got it good when it comes to hair.
So, Mike and I kept commenting about how his hair was always in his eyes, it was. Not just little wisps either, like full-fledge in his eyes. And people started commenting in public about him and calling him a "girl", not in a mean way, just as in a "his hair is so long, it must be a girl".
Several days before our nightmare happened, I sat him down and tried to cut his hair. He thrashed, and when I say thrashed, I mean thrashed. I'm not exaggerating. He threw himself around the bathroom. When I finished his "haircut", he looked....ummm.....different. It wasn't good. So I buzzed it.
I'll post some new pictures this week, I've been avoiding my iphoto because of some pictures I took with the kids announcing the pregnancy. When I cross that mental hurdle, I'll post some new pictures. I also repainted their playroom. It's cute. And, just for a little extra pat on the back, I picked some month old cookie crisp off the door frame today.
Happy Monday.

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