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Dear Micah

Dear Micah,
Two year ago from this very moment, I was trying to convince your daddy that you'd make your entrance soon. He didn't believe me until 2 a.m., then he knew you were coming. Seems so ironic that we were watching the Michael Jackson movie "This Is It", and it really was it, you were coming.

I remember holding you for the first time thinking how I had no clue how to mother a boy. You've taught me, and I love every single part of it. You love it when we build train tracks together, roll around on the floor or when I yell when we're being silly. To you, the louder someone is, the funnier they are. Loud music is the greatest thing in the world to you and you can pick out the beat in a second. I don't think I've ever seen such a little person have as much rhythm as you.

There's no denying your love of lawn tractors. I loved it today when the neighbor gave you a ride on his, you were trying to hide your excitement, but I could tell inside, you were beyond thrilled. It reminded me of when you were walking into church this last Sunday. You looked like you could've been four instead of turning two, and I could tell inside you were thrilled, and you were loving life.

Lately, I find that I can't take my eye off of you for a minute. You go out the door, color on walls, get eggs out of the refrigerator, or carry a chair up to the counter to get a snack, you keep me on my toes.

I truly love and adore your spirit. You're feisty, yet you have this tenderness about you that is absolutely beautiful. You make things work for yourself and you love independence. You're wild about life, and you truly sing like no one is listening.

You have such a sweet spot for Eden, and I love the relationship that you guys have. It's always in my prayers that you guys will be best friends as you grow.
Micah, I never dreamed two years ago that you would be all that you are. Even tonight, you just came up to me out of the blue, gave me a kiss, and went back to play. That is what I love about you. Follow your heart like that your whole life and love Jesus, Micah, and you will be great.
I love you so much and more and more and more and so thankful God chose me to be your mommy.
You're beautiful,
Love mommy

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