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You mean it's not Wednesday

I thought it was Wednesday all day. Even when I got my brain on track and knew it was Tuesday, I kept thinking it was Wednesday. Oh well, it won't matter until Friday, or Saturday?
I was making the second one of these:
and mistook
my finger for
a nail.
Holy smokes!
Fifteen hours
later and it's
still pulsing.
I thought I
was tough
until today.
On a lighter
it's darling.
But you
could tell
that from
the picture.

Every night I wake up and start counting how many days of mobility I have left. Every. night.
When Eden woke up from her nap today, she handed me a note with a bunch of scribbles and told me what it said. It made my day.
I went to Target yesterday and looked down when we were walking across the parking lot. Slippers. Good thing they're cute.
Micah has the longest attention span of all my kids:) He just plays and plays and plays and is happy while doing it.
The kids and I have been working on two things lately:
showing kindness and love

I think it's working.

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