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Wacky Wednesday

Today was perfect. 
Well, maybe not quite. 
We still had our time-outs, our spats, and Mike wasn't home, but overall I loved today.
The weather was so beautiful, the gas station near our house said fifty seven. This is Wisconsin, right?
I had so much on the agenda, but I sat out on the front little step and fingered through the paper, this was during naptime of course. Just to feel the sun and it's warmth on me was so healing in a way. It prompted a conversation with Eden about sprinklers, baby pools, and running barefoot in the grass. Those are all things we will not be taking for granted, living in a condo for five years will do that to you.
This picture is from yesterday, can you make it out? Eden wrote her name. To be honest, I was floored. She knows her alphabet, but we've never worked on writing before. That was my fun little mommy surprise yesterday.
 Today though,  I wanted to bottle up the noise of Eden and Micah laughing when they were in the swing. Ugggghhh, I could never get enough of that. I feel like if I'd open that bottle up on a grumpy day, the clouds would clear and I'd hear angels singing.

 Eden and Micah swung side by side for the longest time. Micah happy with his little Newton crisp and Eden thrilled at the velocity of speed and height. She told me today "I will do this all day". I remember when she used to say that a year ago and meant it. I think my record was pushing Eden on a swing for two and a half hours. Micah, he was done as soon as he saw two boys play wrestling and his little cookie was gone. He wanted out, then she did, so much for 'all day'.

 By the time we got home, the sun was already low. It made me wish I had obeyed my impulses and woken the kids from their naps, taken them outside, and explain the history of winter and how this is just wacky. But I didn't, so the cooler air was nearing by the time we resorted to chalk. See Eden? She used to color like this when she was younger, her face so close to her paper that you wondered if she fell asleep or something.

Micah's so hilarious. I feel like I can't watch him for two minutes without bearing a smile. The little things he does are so peculiar to me at times. And not that anyone would care but me, but he would just walk around with a piece of chalk, make a few lines, walk a few steps, and repeat.

Dinner was prepped and cooked in the crock pot, no stress there, perfect easy night.
And lastly, a lengthy secret talk with my sister, who blogs here. There is nothing like a sister.
Loved this day. Perfect. 
Even just thinking about feeling the sun on my skin still warms me. 

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Sandra Kohlmann said...

Great post. I just checked out your sister's blog. It's great. I follow a couple other wonderful Wisconsin bloggers. I think we should collaborate on some kind of Wisconsin blog link party at some point. Any ideas?

Raelle said...

Yes, lets! We could do some kind of photo linkup or something, though I don't know how. Html code is such a mystery to me. What are some of your favorite WI blogs?