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That's what you get...

Just to warn you, this post is random thoughts that are filling my brain that need to be dumped to make room for more random thoughts and ideas.
It' 4:45 right now, is something wrong with me? I should be sleeping.
My kitchen cuppards are driving me crazy because of the old contact paper on them.
Micah called 911 the other day, it kinda made my day.
Eden and I made homemade pizza last night, dough and all.
I haven't taken a picture in four days, gasp!
We finished our family room this weekend, but I haven't hung anything on the walls so it doesn't look done.
I bought the paint for our bedroom thinking it would motivate me. It hasn't. But it is called "elephant skin" and I love that.
Put up one set of new blinds in our room. They're too short.
Fixed the dishwasher last week. The water wasn't draining, so I took it apart as far as I could go. The culprit: a twisty tie. (I've never bought a twisty tie in my life, thought you'd like that interesting fact).
Fell asleep in a sunbeam yesterday when the kids were napping. It was pretty much glorious, I told Mike I haven't done that in years.
Ordered a few new parenting books that should come today, can't wait.
Eden's crazy about the hymn "Come thou fount". Love that.
Micah's in a crazy squirmy stage. I feel like I've worked out after a diaper change, putting on his shoes, zipping his coat, or getting him dressed. He is one strong baby.
Dumping complete.

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