Social Icons

A little catch up and some shots of Mike dancing

In the past, almost month, of not blogging, and working on a rummage sale what-seemed-to-be-nonstop, we did have a normal social life. 
We met up with some old friends, that I'm just now calculating, we've known each other for twenty five years. I can't say that of many people.

We played outside a ton. It seems like we're making a transition from inside to outside.
Where the nights are usually spent picking up the house, I now shrugg, and decide it's laundry that has to be done, we're not in the house much anyways.

Eden also started piano, a little over a month ago. She loves it, and it's definitely a test of my patience.  I need to sit and work with her every time she practices. It doesn't sound like much, but to me, it is.
Micah loves the piano and has said that he would like to start too:)

I feel like we've had a lot of people over in the past month. I love the time visiting and it keeps me from having my house look like hoardsville. We haven't had anyone over in a week and a half and the kids are asking every day, "who's coming over today?" I think they love it too.

And one last visual to put a smile on your face.
This guy.
Love him.
So. Much.

a short and sweet little catch up.

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C said...

Twenty-five years! Amazing:) it was so good to see you:)
- Cara