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A big first for Eden

Last night, moments before I went to bed, Eden was squealing with delight in bed thinking of her first day of homeschool kindergarten. It made my heart sing.
Tonight, I'm ready for bed, anxious to lay down and almost headed up the stairs. But there's something about those moments when they're written down fresh. I don't want to forget, and perhaps if I write them they'll stay fresh for just a little longer in my mind.
 A few months ago, Eden and I were going through a phase. I hesitate to say it was her, because there is always something I can do as a parent, better. I remember praying every night, wondering how on earth we'd go through this homeschool thing. I didn't understand how it would work. 
Prayer answered.
Eden and I began having long talks, deep talks, and coming to a better understanding with each other. It wasn't a long phase, but it was a hard one. And I remember being desperate.
Desperate to have that closeness with her again and just have fun instead of opposition.
Prayer answered.
 I'm an emotional person to begin with, so when Eden and I started off our little morning with prayer, I cried. Definitely tears of joy, relief, and so thankful for this 
beautiful little girl that is my best little girlfriend.
She called her daddy right after school, told him everything she learned.
She was so teachable.
Prayer answered.
My heart is so full.
And I'm so happy that I can look back and see those prayers definitely answered.

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