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Priceless to me

I posted a really long post on Thursday and just checked my blog right now to see it not there. Whoops. I'm kinda glad. It was a bit of a rant and I used to have a self-imposed rule of not writing when upset. I don't think I was upset, but a bad attitude was definitely displayed.
Mike's been working a lot lately and I've been repeating a mantra to myself: the joy of the Lord is my strength. It's been a tough week with the kids, but I feel like my patience has increased by leaps and bounds. Seriously, I love that, and I hope it sticks.

I took these photos last weekend. Could it get any sweeter? Mike is such an incredible dad. He has a servants heart like you wouldn't believe. And talk about selfless, I'm just blown away.
I love tender, little moments and wish they could be acknowledged every time they happen.
They're priceless to me.

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Sandra Kohlmann said...

These pictures are priceless for sure. I love that little sweater, too. I wish it would cool down again so my girls could go back to wearing sweaters again.