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I've been thinking a lot lately. Beauty. Just how it is something that is cultivated and grown, something that is so inward and attractive.
I want it, and I want to be that example to my children. I crave for them to know a beautiful and nurturing mother. A mother slow to anger, and quick to show love.
I've got a long way to go.

I keep thinking that Eden is three now. Three. I can't believe it and remember the day she was born like it was an hour ago. I remember teaching her the first words she would say and knowing how to make her laugh hysterically.
Micah is now one. He seems like such a baby to me in the sense of the word,... needy, cuddly, dependent. But he's one. He knows some words, catches onto things like I can't believe, and loves attention.
And with all these pleasant memories of my children, I keep thinking that I really need to get my act together.

God has given me two beautiful kids to shepherd, love, and protect. But I need to do more. I need to be that person that stands out.

This past week, I ran into a few of those people. Stunning people.

Simple acts, immeasurable beauty.

I was at Target. Pushing two carts, one full of boxes, and one of kids, and having quite a time. I had to keep stopping every five feet or so because all of the boxes were falling out of the bottom of my kid cart. A lady, totally out of the blue, stooped down, helped me clean up all the boxes, and gave me some encouraging words. She then asked me where my car was and told me that she would help me get there. It's so simple. But this little simple act, really got me thinking, am I ever "that" person?

Yesterday, we dropped Eden off at Sunday school before heading to church. Usually it's an ordeal, and one that I don't do well with. I'm a softy, but yesterday was so different. Eden's teacher, who Eden told me that morning was her favorite, was waiting near the door with her favorite doll. She had it actually in her hands and ready for Eden. I felt like crying there on the spot. For someone to show my child love like that meant more than the world to me.

I don't know how to explain it any more simple.
Random people going out of their way to make someone's life a little brighter and theirs a little less selfish. I hope I learn soon, and I hope that I can teach my children true beauty.
It's such an amazing thing to me. Love.

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