A few weeks ago, I think I had a panic attack.
Maybe it wasn't full fledge, but it was the most anxiety that I have ever felt at a given moment.
It's something semi-new to me, being fear struck, and realizing how much control I don't have.
Then, a few days after that episode, I had the exact opposite emotion.
I was reading in my devotions about the road to Emmaus. The passage is in Luke 24 and talks
about how the disciples were on the road to Emmaus talking about Jesus, was he the Son of God and did he rise from the dead. Then a man was walking with them and they were talking, they invited him to dinner, and when he broke bread, they realized, THIS is Jesus.
But quickly, I need to describe the scenario of my so called panic attack.
I remember driving with Mike, clutching his hand, and realizing in only minutes, my life could quickly start another chapter that I had prayed against.
I will never forget Mike praying, and trying so hard to concentrate on his words because my heart, it felt, was just beating out of my chest.
I remember sitting outside of the doctors office, waiting minute by minute. Mike and I not talking,
only looking at each other trying to have hope.
They called me back.
Weighed me.
Took my blood pressure.
Said the doctor would be right in.
More waiting.
He came.
He put the doppler on my stomach after I laid down and Mike and I quickly reached for each others hands.
Immediately we heard it.
That familiar sound that I longed to hear for so so long.
Our baby's heartbeat.
Mike and I both lost it.
So many happy tears.
The doctor was about to take the doppler off and I asked him to wait.
Just another minute.
Mike and I left there verbally thanking Jesus in the hallway.
The weight of fear, gone.
Just like that.
And what does this have to do with the road to Emmaus?
Alot, actually.
I will never forget when I read that in my devotions that morning.
I brought it over to Mike with tears in my eyes.
So convicted, and shocked that I was.
See, we have prayed for pregnancy for so long.
God answered.
And now here I was, walking with Him, talking with Him, yet not focusing on the enormous blessing that He placed in our lives.
Just like the disciples.
But then, something happened, I read this story in the Bible, and I understood.
There are so many situations that I can apply this to.
God answers prayer, and is so present, it's just me who forgets both of those things.
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So you're pregnant then?! Right now? I can't decide if you were reflecting on this or it just happened. I hope you are!
So you're pregnant then?! Right now? I can't decide if you were reflecting on this or it just happened. I hope you are!
We are! Right now:)
That is so exciting!!!
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