I used to attend MOPS. I loved it, Eden however, did not so much. I'll never forget one thing that I learned there though, "your kids are always listening". The speaker, I can't remember her name or even the topic she was speaking on, but she told a story about how she had her young kids at the grocery store with her and the cashier or bagger or someone commented on her having "trouble" on her hands. She knew her kids were watching and quickly replied that they were no trouble, but rather her little helpers.
I don't know why hearing that stuck with me, but I'm so glad it has. There's been so many instances where people refer to my little gems as trouble (it's usually at the grocery store) and I happily reply that they're my little helpers.
Eden's taken quite a shine to the title and does in fact live up to it. She helps me with the laundry, cleaning up toys (well, sort of, we're working on it at least), helps in the kitchen, unloads the silverware out of the dishwasher. Anyway, all just little things that I've been thinking about how she does help. Then I got to thinking, my kids are amazing:
Eden knows her address
Micah has a new record of 5 and a half jars of baby food in a day
Eden knows almost every letter of the alphabet
Micah can make an awesome Chewbaca noise
Eden has this incredible sense of empathy; She's 2, and I feel like she surpasses me in this area
Micah says "nigh-nigh", for real, at about 3am every morning
Eden knows how to tease and I never taught her; I had no idea teasing was instinctual
Micah claps every time I pick him up, it's adorable
Eden finds little "treasures" (rocks, micromachine mini loaders, strawberry shortcake doll, love notes I've written Mike) and will keep them in her little fist all day
Micah can rock his high chair on 2 legs; he rocks himself, and because he's so heavy it goes back and forth on 2 legs
But most importantly, or I should say amazingly in keeping with my title, is this guy:
He provides for us
He is an amazing dad. I can't get over the things he does to get a smile out of the kids (you're wishing I'd tell you, but I won't for his sake)
He never complains. You should see the traffic he drives though to and from work, it makes me insane, and it feels like I'm off-roading in my Trooper, but I'm not, it's just the freeway
I honestly believe he's the kindest person I will ever meet. Always. It makes me look kinda mean
He's so inspiring. Not only does he do this through living his own life, but he's so encouraging. I recently told him that I wanted to be a lactation consultant, which I thought wouldn't be that hard to become. I was totally wrong, it would be like getting another bachelor's, and yet he was still encouraging.
I know I'm bragging, but it is my blog, and I love my family. They're amazing. We all have our melt-downs, most often mommy and Eden, but man, I've really got it good.
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