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Today, I...

had a doctor's appointment and it went very well
am comparing how wonderful I feel as to five weeks ago after my appointment
have an obsession with sunshine

can't wait to grill out dinner
think this blog is headed downhill because of the sunshine outside
am slightly bummed that I won't be longboarding for the next six weeks
am still happy

have an problem with butter toffee almonds
am really irritated that Eden keeps waking Micah up from his naps
got to spend time alone with Mike

got up before everyone else in the house
got told by a stranger that I had pretty hair, thank you stranger
don't want to do laundry or any other inside chore

decided that because the doctor said no to the YMCA, the beach will do just fine for a daily activity
think dragons may be right on up there with walruses
got my trumpet vine planted so it can take over the house
went to Stein's and didn't buy anything
really need to finish weed wacking
need to get outside right now

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Sandra Kohlmann said...

Make laundry an outside chore! Hang laundry to dry on outside clothes lines and fold it while you're still outside. Then it's only an inside chore for a few minutes. That's what I do!