I went and picked out some craft supplies, and with everything I picked up I thought, "Eden would love to do this" or "me and Eden would have so much fun making this together".
I moved on and went to a clothing store, I saw hoards of Hello Kitty merchandise and thought fondly of Eden, saw some darling little boy slippers and pictured them on Micah. My stomach started to grumble a little and I thought of Mike, wondering if he would like the dinner that I had prepared for him. I found it amusing that while I was "alone", my mind could never be. My family is my world and are constantly in my thoughts.
When I got home, I couldn't help but toot the horn when I pulled up in the drive. When I did, Mike started flashing the flood lights, I know, we're mature. It felt like my two hours away had been forever. It sounds crazy, but that's what love is.
Micah ran to me, aching to be held, Mike planted a big juicy kiss, and Eden had her finest dress up clothes layered on. She pranced around, waiting for a compliment.
After I washed my hands, I sought her out, sitting on the bottom step. Her little princess dress was everywhere and she had on my old kitten heels. Her crown was crooked and her little magic star wand that I made her had a pull of fuzz coming out of it. She was stunning. Seriously.
I started to cry and and as I did Micah tottled over to me. He climbed on my lap and I thought back to conversations that I had with Mike about Eden when she was a baby, or perhaps near the same age as Micah. I remember talking about how I couldn't wait to have conversations with her, hear her thoughts, ask her questions about what's going on in her little mind. So, after I cried a few thankful tears, we had a little conversation. We have hundreds of them a day, but for some reason this one was really special. We connected.
Those tiny little moments are so incredible to me, and that's really what it's all about.
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