I loved our Thanksgiving. Favorite moment: sitting at the table, going around telling what we're thankful for. I was so touched and felt so close to everyone. I don't think I'll ever forget it.
I'm named after my Grandpa (that's pretty random).
My creativity is exploding lately. The goal of having my etsy shop reloaded could actually happen, I'll keep you posted.
I think I gained ten pounds in the last five days.
Eden just learned Mike's middle name, if you knew my daughter, this would shock you.
Mike and I taught three year old Sunday school last week and had a blast.
Micah is really sick with teething, poor baby.
I'm addicted to knee socks.
We've been saying we're going to set up our Christmas tree for the past three weeks, we need to do it already.
I think I'm going to teach myself wool hooking.
I've been avoiding politics lately, just not into it.
I can't wait to make a few projects that are up my sleeve. Hopefully, this week... I can post at least one of them.
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