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A slight obsession

Mike and I probably read hundred of books a month. Seriously. Every night around seven, every afternoon for me, and then there's the random book reading times where I pick one up and thoroughly enjoy a book from cover to cover. It can be quite time consuming, but it's also fun. And I love that Eden and Micah think so too.

 I've never counted how many children's books we have, but it's got to be in the high hundreds. I love our little children's library. We even had to have an expansion, but the kids don't mind.

Several months ago, we expanded in the living room, and I think it's worked out quite well. While we didn't have to bulldoze any walls, we did have to buy a new book case. But that was in the redecorating plan anyway. 

Already though, there's an overflow area, this basket (and our cars). When I open my car doors, books spill out, but I like it. The pictures probably wouldn't look too pretty, so I'll just post our condo overflow area, the basket.

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