Happy Other's Day
I don't know why I have such high expectations of hallmark holidays. I've tried in the past to just relish in the beauty of the day knowing that the title didn't mean anything more. Today was Mother's Day and I think I captured it in all it's essence without any exaggerated expectations, and it was beautiful.
I slept in (7:20, yeah, our kids are up crazy early) and opened the door to see crayons spilled everywhere and Eden waving around a card she made in the air. She pointed out the whale that she drew on the envelope and quickly ran into the other room to fetch a present that she picked out for me. It wasn't the gift that got me, but man, she is just so especially thoughtful. Mike let her pick out anything from the mall and she picked this bobby pin with two peacock feathers attached. I think it got me because we went to the salon this week and got feather hair extensions, and she loved it. But when things like this mirror each other, I get emotional because I feel like life is setting in for her. She's not a baby, and she remembers the things she loves and likes and tries to recreate them, and I adore that about her.
Micah wasn't empty handed this morning either. He had a little card and I opened it to find two green crayon lines. Cute, and for some reason, I don't think I'll ever forget it.
Today wasn't elaborate, church, a picnic in the park, visiting with in-laws, and enjoying the beautiful day. But after church, I laid down with Eden in her 'big girl bed' and pretended to sleep and felt her chubby little hands on my cheeks and stroke my hair. I watched her when I knew she couldn't see my opened eyes and thought of these simple moments. I prayed. I asked God to make life go a little bit slower and I thought of all the times she's slept in my arms. She took one big last yawn and her eyes closed. I watched her sleep for a while and just adored her. She is so beautiful to me.
I can't imagine not being a mom. It's the coolest thing, and I enjoy it so much. Granted, I do have my selfish moments where I'd like to not be touched for two minutes, but thankfully those moments are getting fewer and more far between. I love this. I love being needed, but more than that I need them. So, in Eden's words today, it's not Happy Mother's Day but rather Happy Other's Day.
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