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So not a saleswoman

I have debated long and hard about writing this post. I'm not a salesy person, and I probably never will be. I think everyone has their own opinion of things, and I usually don't try to change it. UNLESS, it's life changing!
I really don't think there are that many things in life that truly are. With the exception of Jesus, duh! of course I will stand and argue for that cause any day.
But lately, there's something else, not near the impact of Jesus, but the health benefits are pretty amazing. Some of you will roll your eyes at this point, oh well with you, it's Young Living essential oils. It's so popular right now, I know, and I've talked to many people about them. Most people are either eye rollers or else they're sold just by sniffing and testing a few on their skin.
Our family was introduced by our pediatrician. She's more holistic than most pediatricians, but also happens to be part of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She would always suggest an oil that could promote sleep, or maintain a healthy immune system. Her office holds regular essential oil classes and sells Young Living essential oils.
It just so happened that I was going in there more often than I liked with three kids in tow, just to buy more oils. I finally decided I had to sign up for myself, and am so thankful I did.
It's been an education process, but I love it, and the kids love learning about it too. How different oils promote different things in your body is truly amazing. It's been cool too, to see their transition to a more healthy, holistic life. This summer, it seems the bug bites were constant, and they'd consistently come to me asking for "itch cream" aka benadryl cream or the like. Doesn't that look awful?

After trying oil only once or twice, they're request became "can you please put oil on me?".
I love that I know what's going into their skin instead of all these chemicals that I can't pronounce the names. It's really cool.
I've learned a lot on my own, just by doing my own research, and I want to make the total switch to being a chemical free house. It's a slow process starting out, but so rewarding knowing that I'm doing something good for my family.
I would love to share this wonderful journey with others. The health benefits are amazing, and you really can't argue that point at all. To sign up, go to, from there, go to "BECOME A MEMBER" at the top left of the screen. I would highly suggest signing up as a distributor, you get 24% off of retail prices. With this option, you do need to buy a premium starter kit, but it's worth it, and ah-maz-ing. You won't regret it. The frankincense oil alone, makes the price worth it. If you would please put my member number in the "Who Introduced you" section on that first page. For the enroller and sponsor, put in 3081678, for both of those sections.
If you do sign up as a distributor, you have the option of being a part of Essential Rewards. I so didn't understand this when I signed up, and wished I had someone walk me through it. Basically, you put in an automated, fixed order every month. Trust me, you'll have lots you want to order! After your second month, you get 10% back on most things you buy, to spend on oils. It's a win-win if you ask me.
For those who do sign up, I'm giving and sending a set of four dryer balls to you. These have been one of those steps for us in eliminating chemicals. They're balls, made entirely of wool, roving wool, that replace dryer sheets. With a drop of lavender oil on each, I've found they give as much scent as a dryer sheet, but it's natural. So you don't have all the chemicals from your dryer sheets on your clothes, which then in turn are on your skin. Not only that, they're economical, and with four dryer balls, it reduces your drying time of your laundry.
I honestly have never heard of anyone who has tried Young Living's products, and doesn't love them. Let my confidence, be your first step in your natural and holistic journey.

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