Today I was sifting through what seemed like hundreds of papers of Eden's drawings that are on a stack on our kitchen desk. Earlier in the day I had taken some old drawings off of the refrigerator and tossed them in the same pile. When I say hundreds, it's probably an understatement. Okay, not really. There's just a lot. I weeded out a few to keep for her baby book. The couple that showed off her unique coloring style of filling in space on a page with some thick, dark crayon marks of all different colors without space between them. Then I saw one that was mostly scribble and tossed it in my "get rid of" pile. I remembered it though and pulled it back out.
Eden always names her art, and this particular one she named "tons of beautiful". As I stared at her art project of what was mostly scribble, I identified with it. I could relate.
Isn't that what art is about?
The whole relating and feeling the connection, I had that with her picture.
Scribble to many, but "tons of beautiful" to the artist.
Seems like my life lately. I have been up to my ears frustrated with how to handle certain three year old behaviors. Yesterday, I made a sign that said "She's only 3" and hung it on the refrigerator. I wish I had those signs everywhere to remind me. Or maybe I should put up her little art everywhere, "tons of beautiful".
I get so crabby with all this stupid stuff, so what. This life is so beautiful.
Like this:
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That's what beautiful, to me at least, what's real. Who cares if my kids misbehave. I mean, I know it's not good, and it's not a good reflection, but really, who cares. I'm teaching them. Trying my darndest. And it's so messy. Life. It's messy. Like if someone were to look at it on a piece of paper in the midst of hundreds of others, they would see scribble. But it would be "tons of beautiful".
That's what life is. Messy. But oh so beautiful.
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This is a really lovely sentiment. I think you should print this post and add it to Eden's baby book. Someday she'll be able to look back and see how thoughtful a mother you were, when she was a trying, difficult toddler. She'll also see how you respected her creative efforts.
Thank you Sandra, that's really sweet of you.
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