I feel like there are two kinds of people: those who read blogs, and those who don't. I read blogs.
The inspiration, ideas, and knowledge is vast in the world of blogging, but so are a lot of other icky things. I have a reading list of blogs, some that I make the time to read and love, and others that I read when I want to just read.
Today I read a blog just to read and found myself constantly comparing myself afterwards. My parenting, my mothering, you name it. It didn't feel good.
I'm not a big-time blogger, and that's fine by me. I started this whole thing to keep track of my memories. To jot on a whim and share with family who's far away (but they don't read it).
When I compare myself to some super moms whose blogs I read, I realize there are a lot of things I'm not: I'm not a mega-party planner with the cutest party that would make anyone envious,
I'm not organized, my house is never clean, I'm never caught up on laundry, my counters are rarely de-cluttered. I don't have my kids involved with groups of activities and I don't adore playgroups.
My kids rarely match and they don't have the cutest clothes. We aren't always hugging and loving on each other and we get mad, and yes, I yell.
Whew! But after realizing my negativity, I realized there are a lot of things I am: I am always there for my husband and kids, I'm always doing a project though they're everywhere and that's why it's always a mess, and I love truly knowing my kids.
I know that Eden truly needs to be held and cuddled during the day and that Micah loves to have his feet smelled.
I know that Eden adores art and treasures little material things most like little notes on cute paper.
I know that Micah is obsessed with saying "Bbbbbbbbeee" and thinks he saying bird and is so proud of himself.
I know that Eden loves to work on "school" and is so eager and teachable to learn.
I know that Micah seeks out danger and loves to get a rise by doing crazy stunts.
I know that yesterday was so crazy, but there was no one in the world (besides Mike) who could've been there for my kids.
I know I'm a good mom, not perfect, by any means, but I'm trying my darndest to please Jesus by raising my kids for Him.
I'm not fancy, and we don't do crazy cool things. We have so much fun though.
So much fun that I miss them like crazy when they nap and I love being needed by them.
Nothing fancy, just simple, deep love.
That's me, being real.
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That's a lovely sentiment. I also find myself comparing myself to other moms in the blog world. I get jealous and feel crummy when I feel like I don't measure up. On the whole, though, I love to read blogs and see what other moms and families are up to. I have learned that some of the blogs that I would read and feel bad afterward are written such that the author is trying to say they are better than others and I have weeded those blogs out of my reading list. But I read yours, every time a post is up!
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