as of last week, I have no dreadlocks, no feathers, and let two earring holes close up... anything that contributes to waking me at night (besides kids) has got to go
Mike threw his credit card in the dumpster and realized it hours later... he found it!
been praying faithfully and fervently for God to give us a showing on this condo and an offer
laundry is calling me as I type
feeling so tired, maybe more protein will do the trick
found the perfect mirror to hang above our love seat
Mike's been working tons, yuck
Eden's been singing her heart out, by that I mean she just belts out lyrics for countless minutes
Micah has started throwing himself on the ground when he doesn't get what he wants... oh boy
I think I walked three miles yesterday
fall is coming and I can't wait
gonna get busy with birthday plans around here soon
speaking of plans, when Mike takes his vacation, we're making a list of everything we want to do. want a taste: rent a paddleboat, fly a kite, go to the zoo, attempt a waterpark or splashpad, go to the beach and build sandcastles
I'm sleeping better after my dentist appointment last Friday. dentist anxiety is a kill joy.
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