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I'll put it on my wish list












Some day!

In case you didn't know

there is trix cereal everywhere in our condo

our toilet paper is always in a heap below where it should be on a roll

Eden's favorite song right now is "ten little ducks"

I miss Mike when he's at work

when I can't get Micah down for a nap, I've put him in his bed, crouched down next to it and threw a blanket over myself. it worked, and he went to sleep

I've lost track of how many days it's been since I washed my hair

Haagen Daas flavor bananas foster is my all time favorite

we got a call for a showing this past weekend, I cleaned for two and a half hours and then they cancelled

we looked at a house, eh, not crazy

Micah eats about double what Eden does at meals

Eden finally decided on a crab cake for her birthday

I think I have a trix cereal piece on the bottom of my foot as I write

I love...

...these chubby feet and ankles or canckles. 
I love how Micah stands with his little toes curled under.

 I love how soft his feet are and his little ankle rolls.

 I love these squishy, chubby thighs.

 And of course I love the thigh rolls.

Silly, but probably in a few short months, he won't curl his toes under, his cankles will be ankles, and the thigh rolls will be gone. Just a few of the things I love about a baby who is soon to be a toddler.

Rules and agendas

I find as a mom that when I have an agenda everyone suffers. I've learned to let things go, not care that things have been let go, and enjoy the moment.

I'm still not that good at it. I do like a picked-up house, a clean house is just out of my league. I like things organized, or at least put in their place, and I love when my laundry shelves aren't bowed from an overload of dirty clothes.

None of that is important though. It's just not. Who cares if laundry is done, the house is picked up, or things are put away?

What I really love most of all is having happy kids. I love when they play together and I hear them laughing incessantly. When I hear it, it's almost like the fountain of youth to my heart. Cheesy, but true.

So, agendas usually go out the window around here. I was even thinking today how so many rules that I make go out the window. Today, for example: Eden knows that we don't allow her to jump on the bed, ours particularly. But it happens often, and Micah is usually pulling up on the side of the bed laughing hysterically. They both just laugh and laugh and laugh. I usually stop whatever I'm doing just to listen. It's like music. I usually don't interfere. It's a rule that I guess was made to be broken.

These two are so happy when there is no agenda.

And if they're happy,

I am too.

Friends for life

Bedtime Stories

Mike and I have been laughing about Eden's little routine of bedtime stories for several nights, it's so adorable.
We have a bedtime routine. Dinner, bath, brush teeth, books, stories, "nests" (that's another story), and water. So the stories, well, I don't know how it started, but I know Eden started it.
Every night after her books, she'll say "now stories". Right when you've taken a breath to start the beginning of her story, never fail, she says "I want a story about a boy and a girl who falls." Or some nights, like tonight, "I want a story about a boy and a girl who knock down a plant and their mommy says 'no no no'". Mike and I find it hilarious.
There are other times where she'll really go off, telling you what to name the boy and the girl in the story and how old they are. She's a doll, and a character!


This little girl,man, she's a doll. Just yesterday she asked me if she could play with some toy that was up in her closet. Surveying the toys that covered the floor, I told her that she first had to clean up her jewelry. She asked if I would help her, and of course I readily said yes (live by example, right). In the midst of our cleaning up she turned to me and said "I really appreciate your help mommy". I almost fell over. She's two, almost three, but really? Stay little, please.

This little boy brings us so many smiles and laughs. His personality is so vibrant, and he's still a baby in my mind. I remember when Eden was this age and being shocked when she would respond appropriately to what I would say. Micah is now in that stage and it still shocks me. He loves dolls. I've never bought him a doll, but Eden leaves her dolls all over the place. If it's ever really quiet you'll usually find him holding a doll and gouging it's eyes with his chubby little index finger. 
The other night when Mike was reading Eden her bedtime books, Micah found a little play food sugar dish. He took the plastic lid and started rubbing on the walls. The texture on our walls made a loud sound with the plastic lid, and I don't think Micah has ever laughed harder. Over and over and over. Of course Eden had to get in on the laughs, so she joined him in the corner scraping the walls with plastic playfood.
I love them.
Can't imagine what I'd be without them.

A night at the museum

yeah, I know

Eden read her uncle a story and tucked him in for a nap. She's endearing.

This baby, my baby, can dance. It's hilarious, and he knows he's funny too.

 She constantly plays with her food. Can't say that I blame her though, because a lot of the things I see her do are things that have crossed my mind.

This little boy and this little cart... they're a hoot. I gave both the kids a bath the other day to come out and find Micah standing in the cart and Eden pushing him around. Both naked of course.

 Hide and seek is a game we play really well around here lately.

 Eden always has the last laugh.

And I must say, when the grocery store clerk told me today that my kids are so loveable, all I could say is "yeah, I know."

Being me

as of last week, I have no dreadlocks, no feathers, and let two earring holes close up... anything that contributes to waking me at night (besides kids) has got to go

Mike threw his credit card in the dumpster and realized it hours later... he found it!

been praying faithfully and fervently for God to give us a showing on this condo and an offer

laundry is calling me as I type

feeling so tired, maybe more protein will do the trick

found the perfect mirror to hang above our love seat

Mike's been working tons, yuck

Eden's been singing her heart out, by that I mean she just belts out lyrics for countless minutes

Micah has started throwing himself on the ground when he doesn't get what he wants... oh boy

I think I walked three miles yesterday

fall is coming and I can't wait

gonna get busy with birthday plans around here soon

speaking of plans, when Mike takes his vacation, we're making a list of everything we want to do. want a taste:  rent a paddleboat, fly a kite, go to the zoo, attempt a waterpark or splashpad, go to the beach and build sandcastles

I'm sleeping better after my dentist appointment last Friday. dentist anxiety is a kill joy.

It won't be long