I don't know why I've been thinking so much lately. It seems like I'm in high school again and having all these epiphanies and thinking how cool it is to have these brand new thoughts in my head. Well, my thoughts aren't brand new, I guess.
They are thoughts though that have stopped me in my tracks way more than I can count this week. And to think Amy Winehouse started it all. Seriously. She did.
I'm not a fan of hers, though I thought the "rehab" song was catchy. I think though that it was the reactions to her death that really got me. There were so many statuses on facebook making a joke of the whole thing, saying things like "I'm shocked", and honestly things that weren't only sarcastic, but just bothered me. The numbness bothers me.
It's life. It's a person, a being that God created.
Jack Johnson, not a huge fan of his either. I like his music, but honestly I think ninety percent of his music all sounds the same. He does have a song though that I think has gone through my head no less than a million times. I'm not exaggerating either. It's "The News" from the Brushfire Fairytales cd. The line that gets me is "Why don't the newscasters cry when they read about people who die. At least they could be decent enough to put a tear in their eye."
How did we all get so callused to life?
We sponsor a little girl in Nicaragua through Compassion International. They periodically send us magazines talking about programs that they're funding. It wasn't the program though that caught my attention, it was an ad. It had a little boy holding a bowl and said "While you're struggling to keep up with the Jones', he's struggling to survive."
For years, I've been reading a blog about a little girl with cancer, and just this week stumbled on this tragic story. The little girl has a rare form of brain cancer and the other story is about a Jewish family. They were driving home from their family vacation and got in a car wreck. Both parents died, and the two boys are now paralyzed.
These stories have made me rethink a lot of actions, a lot of responses this last week and I hope for a long time to come. It's so fragile, life.
Last night I was watching the news and they switched to live coverage and were pulling a body out of the Milwaukee River. I'm sheltered, and I don't see things like that often. But as I watched behind the newscaster, I saw them doing CPR, and thought about another life.
Maybe it's being a mom. But I'd rather think that it's how we were meant to think. This life, it's so fragile. God gave His for us. It's the Bible verse we all know, John 3:16. He gave his life for us, valuable and fragile.
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