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Running low on fuel

Mike has been working like a dog lately, and metaphorically speaking "running low on fuel". Coincidentally, my mom sent me a picture labeled "a hard day's night" get it...working like a dog, hard days night, yes, we love the Beatles.
Now to try to get to my point; it's been a debate for Mike and I since the beginning of our marriage relationship, how many miles a car can run on "E". My thoughts tend to be more on the conservative end of the spectrum, while Mike likes to be on the liberal end of things. Last week, Mike was on his way home from work, he called me from his cell and told me that his car was running out of gas and that he was by the water tower a block away. He told me that he thought he could coast it into the parking lot, and he did. He made it!
I was irritated at first, "how irresponsible" my narrow little mind thought. "How hard is it to get gas" went through my head as Mike walked in the door. Oh me, of little kindness. My hardworking husband walked through the door, with a beaming smile. He said,"I didn't want to stop for gas,I was too excited to see you guys." I tell you, that man can melt my hard heart with a flash of his smile and his piercing blue eyes. But this was more than melt my heart, this was to stir my soul. God gave me a husband with a work ethic unlike anything I've ever seen and a heart for his family like most only dream of. Wish I'd have focused on those things before those naughty thoughts entered my head.

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