Last weekend, we took a little trip up to see my parents. I don't think there is anywhere in the world as relaxing as their house. I always tell Mike that I feel like I even breathe different when we're there.
Being there always gives Mike and I the opportunity to steal away a little time alone.
And every time it's possible, we kayak down the Crystal River.
Mike had to prod me a few more times this past weekend than normal. The air was chilly and the thought of getting wet wasn't super exciting. But the minute we were on the river, I turned and told him that I love this, this time alone, this adventure together.
The river was probably the highest I'd ever seen it, due to all the rain we've had lately. And that made for a little more exciting ride. There were a few new trees down across the river as well, and one in particular caught me by surprise. I couldn't quite make the turn quick enough around the tree, and I abhor going under low brush that's hanging from above. I always imagine I'll be covered in spiders and who knows what else. To avoid going under all the icky stuff, I clung to the tree stump and in seconds Mike t-boned my kayak. Wanting to have a little fun myself, I flung his end of his kayak toward the under brush and just as I anticipated, he flipped.

I laughed for a few seconds just because Mike tipping always makes it seem so adventurous to me. His face when he came up though, quickly changed the pace of moment. He was distraught, I could tell before he even said anything, and he quickly blurted out that he lost his wedding ring. I still was clinging to the tree, feeling bad, it was my fault after all. Knowing the quick current of the river and the depth, I knew it would be impossible to find. I tried to make a few jokes, and even reminded him of our brother in law and how many rings he'd been through. It didn't help the situation, he was distraught.

I did help him look, after I unperched myself from hugging the tree stump. It was almost impossible to see the bottom, my body was freezing from the temp of the water, and my ankle was hurting from walking against the current. I told Mike that I thought we should be done, we'd looked for over twenty minutes. He agreed, and then I prayed, "God, if you want us to find it, make it happen now." I kid you not that I looked down and saw the ring. I quickly said to Mike how cool it would be if we did find it, but I was so scared if I missed it when I went down for it, the current would take it away. I reached and missed. I waited, for the water to clear and for myself to be calm. I reached again, and I got it!

Mike picked me up and I think he was the happiest man in the world. I quickly told him how I prayed, and God answered. It's so small in the scheme of our lives, but such a reminder to me. He cares. So much. It reminds me of Matthew 10:29 "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care."
Even in something so small, He cares, He's there.