Wow. It's been so long since I've blogged.
I've missed it, but it never seems to fit into the day.
Between homeschooling, and kicking things into a pile on the floor
so I only have to bend once, I'm tired.
I've got six more weeks of pregnancy, and I'm just struggling for normalcy every day.
I'm huge, and that's not my personal opinion, it's everyone's.
People are nice when they think you're due in the next day or two,
so that part is fine with me.
Life has been good though.
So good.
I look back on where we were last year, and my heart just swells with gratitude.
So thankful to God that we can look back and say that we grew through it all.
But onto these little ones:
Eden's maturing.
But it's so cool as a parent to watch things progress, to watch as thoughts sink in.
She cried at her first movie last week, and also decided she was ready to have her ears pierced.
She gives her little brother portions of her dessert because she "really wants to be nice",
and has told me lately that I'm beautiful though I feel anything but.
Today she helped Micah get on his shoes when I had no patience and just walked away, she rubbed his back and spoke kind, gentle words to him.
Teaching me and showing me how I should've responded instead of how I did.
It's amazing.
Life's not always peachy by any means, and we have our fair share of issues around here.
But the good is so abundant and I can't remember a day lately where I haven't cried tears of joy
over the blessings God has given me (yes, that's probably hormones).
Micah's been sweet lately too.
He's pretty emotional, and at times, it seems to get the best of him.
Today, though, I cried on the way home from the store.
We were in an aisle, I was looking for the perfect snack.
Another lady came along, ordinary from the outside.
Lately we've been talking a lot around here about how people are beautiful no matter how we see them.
How God made every person and He made them beautiful
I never know if Micah's listening, but apparently he is.
This lady walked down the aisle, perusing just as we were.
Micah looked at her and said "You are so beautiful".
The lady looked like she might cry, and then I thought I might (those hormones, I'm telling you).
She said, "I've just had the worst day, and you made it so much better."
My heart just soared.
My little boy teaching me.
Just to keep things real though, about ten minutes earlier, he was throwing the fit of a life time.
I love it.
I'm blessed beyond anything I could've ever imagined.
I think that thought often as I hear "mommy" called out by little voices.
Micah thinks I don't have any other name than that.
I love it.