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Yesterday, before and after

Yesterday when I put Micah down for his little morning nap, Eden and I snuggled on our bed. She spread out her treasures, and I think we played with each one of them. She showed me how to purse my lips for her to apply my lip gloss and taught me how to look through a kaleidoscope. 
For a minute, I turned my attention to a pile of papers that had accumulated for some time. Fun stuff, not bills or anything of the like. Of course I included her in my perusing which she loved. 
First, I found this journal that I think I had ordered back in May. I had high aspirations for this journal, and Mike and I talked about all of the things we wanted to record and remember in it. I opened it up and it was blank.

Then we went through this little photo flip book that's been sitting around forever. It's not a typical photo book as I put quotes, verses, and different thoughts in it. I came upon this page and felt so drenched in the moment with my little girl. Below 'i wish' it says "The sould is healed by being with children--English proverb". I couldn't have summed up what I was feeling better than that in that exact moment.

Eden and decided we should write our first journal entry, together.
It says, 
9/28/11 Eden and I are sitting here
on our bed in our condo. We're
listening to Holocene by Bon
Iver and she's been going 
through her treasures with
me. Pretend earrings and 
pretend projects with lip gloss
being our glue. We just went
through a small photo book
toogether and I cried when I 
read the quote. It said "children
heal the soul." Maybe it's the 
quote, the music, the memories,
being made right now...maybe
it's her, maybe it's me. This
is what life is about. HERE. NOW.
Ahhh, I want it to soak in 

A day in the life

One day, over our octopus hot dog lunch, Eden, Micah and I discussed our plans for the rest of the day. I threw several options out to them, but for some reason, apple picking it was.

 I love little ventures with the kiddos, and pulling Micah off boxes lately is not one of those little ventures that I love (more on the boxes later).

 Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures of us at the apple tree. I was wearing Micah in my Moby and holding Eden's hand, so yeah, that's why. Eden and I each had a bag, hers was little and mine was big.

 Shortly after we got home, Micah decided to enjoy the fruits of our labor.  See all the apples in the background, I think he thought they were little balls or something at first.

 And yes, they were very sour.

 So after we came home (it was just a little jaunt up the street that we walked to) we washed our hands. Eden decided she had to wash her hair in the sink too, along with her hands.

The apples were pure deliciousness as you can see by the little pile of nibbled apples. 

 A few days later, an apple pie was born. I remember when I used to make homemade desserts all the time, piece of cake. Not so anymore, this mommas got lots to do, but maybe it's the 'piece of cake' line that's the untrue part now. 

The pie was delicious, but my favorite part was definitely picking apples with Eden and Micah.

Sarah Lynne and Strawberry Shortcake

I remember like yesterday when Eden was Micah's age. She adored me and pined for me. Now, well, she's growing up. But it feels like so much more than that.
I'm a mom who loves being needed. I love when Micah whines and holds his hands up for me or when he points to me and makes a droning noise, I enjoy it. Eden doesn't do those things anymore. I have to make a point to hold her every day, to cuddle her when she's sad, and sometimes especially lately, I've been snuggling with her in her crib before her naps. We tell secrets and I love gently brushing the hair out of her eyes, usually it's a very tender moment for me as a mom.
Micah's a little bit of a snuggler and loves being held more than anything, though I'm sure one day very soon, I'll  be writing a post very similar about him.
See, Eden loves Strawberry Shortcake and Sarah Lynne from the Little People. She's only allowed to watch little movies when she's sick, so her time seeing these characters isn't obsessive. But lately, she wants me to pretend I'm Strawberry Shortcake or Sarah Lynne ALL. THE. TIME. She usually wants me to sing little songs with her, depending on what character I am pretending to be. We have some pretty crazy conversations, and honestly, it drains me.
Today, she wanted me to be Sarah Lynne and I just wanted two minutes of silence. I wanted it, but I gave in to her, I became Sarah Lynne. In my Sarah Lynne voice, I decided to have a conversation with her about "mommy". I asked her why she always wanted mommy to be Sarah Lynne instead of just mommy. Her response, "because Sarah Lynne is so much more fun." I sat back, and I made the best of Sarah Lynne, thankful that she still loves the friendship with her.

He'll be after her

Mike and I have been saying for a while that Micah wasn't going to walk well past his first birthday. He must've heard us, and wanted to prove us wrong. Because just this past week, this little guy is all about the walking.

He's not there yet, but he will be soon. And this little girl better get her running shoes on. With all the teasing she brings, I'm thinking he'll be after her in no time.

A perfect day

Snapshots in my mind

I can't believe I'm doing another post without pictures. I haven't been taking many pictures lately, and haven't done my routine every other day upload from the camera. So... the kids and I took a really really long walk today and I was thinking about how I didn't have my camera, and I wish I would've grabbed it, you know, just in case.
I got to thinking about all these special moment that I have tucked away in my mind, that I probably will never have a picture of.
Some of the memories that came to me are typical things and some not so typical, but they're things that I cherish so much. Ready?
* Whenever I take the kids for a walk, we usually walk down a utility road to get into town. It's a pretty steep hill, and every time Eden asks me if I'll run down it. I can't resist, and the glee that ensues is so amazing. Both Eden and Micah kick their legs as fast as they can and there is uncontrollable laughter. I'll probably wipe out one of these days because I get so caught up in them, it's hard to pay attention where I'm running.
* Eden and Micah's kisses are a huge one. I have one picture of Eden giving me a kiss when I was pregnant with Micah, and I will forever wish for more. Micah is so into giving kisses, it's the cutest. He even makes the little sound, "mah". Tonight Eden gave me a kiss on the cheek and I wished so bad I had a picture of that little tiny moment.
* Every night that I tuck the kids in (Mike and I take turns) I debate going to get my camera. I've taken one picture of Eden sleeping in her bed at night, but it's been so long. I just can't bear the thought of waking their little peaceful body, maybe someday.
* When Eden makes a new friend or someone new talks to Micah, I wish I could capture the look on their face. I think they're the opposite, yet I love those looks where their big blue eyes say so much. Eden's eyes sparkle and Micah burrows his face in my shoulder gently glancing up at me looking for a little consolation with stranger danger.
I know there's more, but my brain is fried.
Tah tah.

By surprise

Some things take me by surprise. Not much. But this weekend seemed full of them.
We stumbled upon a parade in Hartland. Not a typical parade, but a POW parade. Eden was so excited and I think it may have jaded her parade attitude. I hop no though. It was a silent march, a bit depressing, yet an opportune teaching opportunity. I tried to talk with her about our freedoms, how we pray, go to church, etc... I guess I'll have to wait and see if any of that stuck with her.
On our way to church this morning, Eden recited her Bible verse from last week. Not a huge surprise knowing my little girl, but a surprise none the less. We were working on her Sunday school project on Thursday morning  and I think I said her Bible verse in access of one hundred times. She'd never say it back in completion, but she's got a mind like an elephant; she never forgets.
Micah is closer to walking than we think. This was a huge surprise as he's taken steps several times this weekend. That's huge! I may not be ready for another toddler, but bring it on Micah! I'm so proud of you.
I've never been sneezed on point blank until this weekend. That took me by a huge surprise. I was getting Eden dressed for bed and her little face was no more than six inches from my face. Her sneeze hit me smack dab in the center of my face. Wow, I guess I have no more words for that one.
Mike and I got to sit through almost an entire church service together. I nursed Micah right after the worship time and he slept. I tried so so hard to concentrate on the message, but my thoughts were more like "I can't believe I'm sitting here next to Mike...How long has it been since we've sat in church together?...I hope Micah sleeps for a while." I'll get better on that one though.
I've been sleeping. Mike's gotten up two of the last three mornings and I've slept until 7:30. Crazy how early kids are to start the day, but I love it when their attitude rubs off on me.
Eden had her first piece of bubble gum today. I love watching the wonder of a child. It's so amazing, and it's something that truly makes my heart shine. Small, but a delightful surprise.
Being thankful for our beautiful weekend together as a family. I don't think there's anything I cherish more and that is no surprise.

A birthday party for two

My computer was working intermittently last night, so I'm behind again with posting. I think the cuteness of the pictures makes up for the tardiness though.

Eden was in her glory with all her little friends. Being around people gives her so much energy, and even without a nap she was peachy.

Micah had a bit of a hard time. I remember Eden at her first birthday, she wasn't a big fan of it all either. He wanted mommy and daddy and that' pretty much it, oh, and watermelon.

Eden had been dreaming of her crab cake for months. Thank you Grandma! It's everything she's dreamed of. 

 Grandma also made our watermelon shark. I saw a pin on pinterest that I thought was darling of a watermelon shark, and knew my mom was creative enough to do the same.

 Mike and I stayed up the night before the party making our pull string pinata. I thought it turned out adorable and the pull strings worked wonderful.

I made all of the hanging decorations this year. It was fun to do, and didn't cost me a dime. The above little flouncy banner was an old fitted bed sheet that had the elastic all stretched out. I shredded it and the kids had fun playing in all the scraps in the process. Sounds like a win, win to me.

All of the buntings I made from my great grandma's handkerchiefs. I ironed them, cut them diagonally in half and sewed them into some biased tape. I thought they were darling, and now I have them for a playroom or many more parties to come.

It's going too fast

I wrote the title to this post more than twelve hours ago today. I find it funny because today felt like the longest day of my life. It makes me laugh inside to think about the post I was wanting to write this morning could be opposite the post that I feel like writing right now.
When I'm honest though, it really is going too fast. I've felt like lately I've looked at Eden and Micah in their beds when they're asleep and felt like their bodies were five times bigger than I remember them being. I think maybe I've been emotional over it lately as Micah turned one on Sunday.

His birth day seems like yesterday in my mind, and though Eden's nearly three, I have the exact same thoughts of her birth day. We had a pretty big party (pictures to come tomorrow) this past Saturday to celebrate the kids' birthday's together. It was awesome. I love people coming together in celebration. Is there anything better?
I kept thinking all day on Saturday how unemotional I felt about Micah turning one.
Of course, it hit me Sunday.

Isn't he darling?
I still can't believe he's one, it's just going too fast. I think that this is the part that all the older people and middle aged people tell me about in passing at the stores or on walks. "It goes so fast, enjoy it."
For a while, I felt like that was all anyone said to me, but now I understand, now I get it.
Of course there are the endless days (like today) where your children seem to do everything you tell them not to. The days that you felt like you weren't a fabulous mom, today was one of those days.
But that's not how we live day to day.
We have a ball, and we live out love.

Eden started Sunday school on Sunday. We bumped her up a class. I walked in with her and I knew by the look on her face, she was nervous. Her little hand was clutching mine, and I felt so honored to just be standing at her side. She quickly made a friend, and that moment was gone, but I'll remember it forever.
Or tonight, after our long day; after our books, stories, prayers, and kisses; after I told her "I love you Eden", she said "I love you more". 
There's no way, but those are the moments that I will never ever forget. 
Even when it's going too fast.

Let's go fly a kite

Eden and I made a little staycation jar the week before last for all of the things that we wanted to do while Mike was off of work. We used a little baby food glass jar, and lots of colored strips of paper. For each thing we wanted to do, we wrote it on the little paper and folded it up really small and put it in the  jar. One of the things we wrote on there was to fly kites.

 By golly, last week, we did.

 Micah was happy as a clam watching from his car.

 I can't think of anything that I love more than family time. Mike and I are a little protective of our time as a family. But with him working and school, the time we do have is so precious.

 I wish I could freeze these moments, and make time stop. Sometimes when their going on, I feel that, at the same time I feel it slipping by.

 The kite flying was a new concept to my little girl. She did great, but the wind wasn't that mighty, so we settled for a eight inch long kite string.

I'm sure there will be many more times to come, and we can show her how it really soars.

 But in the meantime...

 she's happy with her eight inch string.

 Maybe I should've schooled her more.

 Eden went off, always wanting to run near the road. I think it had to do with the chase factor. So, I decided to play around with the camera and teach myself some manual camera ways.

 I'll improve. 
I love my family time, and can't thing of anything more dear to me.