Yesterday when I put Micah down for his little morning nap, Eden and I snuggled on our bed. She spread out her treasures, and I think we played with each one of them. She showed me how to purse my lips for her to apply my lip gloss and taught me how to look through a kaleidoscope.
For a minute, I turned my attention to a pile of papers that had accumulated for some time. Fun stuff, not bills or anything of the like. Of course I included her in my perusing which she loved.
First, I found this journal that I think I had ordered back in May. I had high aspirations for this journal, and Mike and I talked about all of the things we wanted to record and remember in it. I opened it up and it was blank.
Then we went through this little photo flip book that's been sitting around forever. It's not a typical photo book as I put quotes, verses, and different thoughts in it. I came upon this page and felt so drenched in the moment with my little girl. Below 'i wish' it says "The sould is healed by being with children--English proverb". I couldn't have summed up what I was feeling better than that in that exact moment.
Eden and decided we should write our first journal entry, together.
It says,
9/28/11 Eden and I are sitting here
on our bed in our condo. We're
listening to Holocene by Bon
Iver and she's been going
through her treasures with
me. Pretend earrings and
pretend projects with lip gloss
being our glue. We just went
through a small photo book
toogether and I cried when I
read the quote. It said "children
heal the soul." Maybe it's the
quote, the music, the memories,
being made right now...maybe
it's her, maybe it's me. This
is what life is about. HERE. NOW.
Ahhh, I want it to soak in