I'm sort of sensitive about my age. Really. I'm not old, per se, but twenty-eight is pretty close to thirty in my book. My sister and I have this thing with our birthdays, we always cry, but not lately. I think as kids and teenagers we had these crazy expectations of what our birthdays should entail, and well, the expectations never met reality. Now we're both moms, and there's just no room for selfish thought. I'm thankful for that, but I miss comparing our cry times on our birthdays. Silly, I know, but it's just reminiscent of childhood and all things past. So, today was my birthday. My sweet husband took off work (amazing) because he has school Wednesdays and otherwise I wouldn't have seen him. So as if that in itself wasn't enough of a treat, I got to sleep in until 7:45 (gasp!). When I woke up, I was greeted my smiling faces and Eden saying "I have a present for you" and bounced off to her room to bring me these beautiful flowers. Mike had taken the kids to the grocery store early to retrieve them, and then Eden whispered to me "we got a cake too".

We took a walk this morning down the the library where I finally signed Eden up for the summer reading program. It's one of those things that I think of when I'm awake at 2 a.m., so hopefully going there today will ease that mental block.
After the library, Eden and Mike went to the park. I was convinced it was going to storm and ran home with Micah. It didn't, but I accomplished my goal which I'll show you later. For lunch, we went to Culver's. I can't go to Culver's and not get a double cheeseburger. It doesn't matter if I'm not in the mood, or if I feel like eating chicken, I just have to have a double cheeseburger. And this is classic. Guess who taught this girl to eat?
Micah sat content in his car seat the whole time, little angel baby. He did have a ball playing with Culver's colored sprinkles which Eden quickly confiscated.
Everyone was so intent on enjoying their food. I was too, but I managed to come up for air in time to snap a few shots of my darling family.
When the kids were napping, I ran to Brookfield to pick up something to complete my project (I'll show you, don't worry). I came home and they were working on a little project.
Mike asked Eden what she wanted it to say and she came up with the "Miss Mommy" bit. No, I don't make her call me that, but I do think it's really funny. I asked her what her drawing was below the "Mommy", and she said they were icicles falling down. I keep telling Mike she's gonna be a creative genius.
Mike had to leave for school around 3ish. It got pretty crazy. I had to put myself in a time-out. No joke. I yelled really loud at Eden, and I felt bad and apologized and told her I needed a time-out. I went in my room and closed the door. No less than two second later, both kids were banging on the door, wanting me. I love the heart of forgiveness children have, and pray for it often.
After I recovered from my time-out, I had to figure out dinner. I called Jimmy John's, but they didn't deliver to Hartland, so we had some homemade sandwiches which made me crave Jimmy John's even more. After we finished, Eden had forgotten about the cake that she whispered to me about this morning. I started singing "Happy Birthday" to myself which gave me some weird looks from my kiddos.
Micah's is classic, kinda like "c'mon mom, are you serious?"
It was so delicious. I love frosting, and if I had no shame, I would've licked the frosting off the entire cake. But I shared, and it was still so good.
So, my project? Our condo. I want to sell so badly. Mike told me a couple of days ago that the guy down the hall got an offer. It really kicked my tail in high gear. Clutter, be gone...before:
...and after. It's still a work in progress. I had no boxes, so that was a challenge, but I'm making progress, I think.
This is what I'm really proud of though, before:
...and after! I love this, and this is the mirror I drove to Brookfield to buy. Anyway, I had a wonderful birthday, but I think I can wait another year for the next.